Your Voice Can Build the Future of InFLUX
29 December, 2023
InFLUX opens its doors once a weekfor rope practice nights
29 January, 2024Welcome to The InFLUX Munch – the most popular social event in the community!
We know that sometimes socializing can be tough. Meeting new people is a challenge, even if you are a very bubbly extrovert, and we would know. During workshops, you are there to learn; during jams, you might not want to disturb others, and it can feel like getting to know more people is tough. This is why we regularly organize The InFLUX Munch, the one place where you never have to worry about striking up a conversation.
A Space for Everyone
Whether you’re new to the scene or an experienced enthusiast, The InFLUX Munch offers something for everyone. You can mingle freely, share experiences, and maybe even discover something new about yourself. If you prefer to get cool ideas for connecting with others, we have also prepared something special: our group discussion tables! Here, you get randomly assigned to a table with 5 other munch-goers, and your table will be filled with discussion prompts. You can pick up a prompt, which will be a question or a thought-provoking idea, and start discussing it with the other people in your group. During the event, you can switch tables to meet even more people, or you can choose to join the rest of the crowd, freely mingling around.
Consent Workshop Attendance Is Not Required for the Munch
Worried about not having attended a Consent Workshop? Don’t be. The InFLUX Munch doesn’t require prior participation or having been assigned an InFLUX number. It is friendly to all, from the curious newbie to the most experienced kinkster. It’s an open door to all curious souls, regardless of their journey stage.
Bilingual and Inclusive
We’re proud to say that the event is bilingual. Even if not everyone speaks English, you are sure to find people who can strike up a conversation. As a bonus, there are lots of people there who speak other languages, such as Italian, French, Spanish, and many more. They will probably love a chance to practice their skill and get to know you, so let us know if you are looking to speak any other language.
Thinking of Joining Us?
Ready to be part of this unique experience? We organize Munches every month, so keep an eye on our Instagram, where we announce all our events. Check out the Munch event page, fill in the registration form, and secure your spot. You’ll receive an email confirmation and timely updates about the event. Plus, we’ll send you a reminder email so you don’t miss out on the fun.
Come as You Are
Wear your favorite t-shirt, show up smart casual, or try on that kinky outfit you’ve been looking forward to wearing, but that’s been catching dust in your closet. At The InFLUX Munch, there is no dress code, but being a private space, you can also wear things that your regular pub might frown upon. So whatever makes you happy and gets you in the mood for socializing is good for us.